Regardless of whether or not the Biebz thinks he has something worth talking about, they didn’t make it because someone felt he had a story to tell. They made it because the movie will make more money than the GNP of most smaller countries in the first weekend alone.
I don’t trust any teenagers that want to come out with an autobiography or a movie about their lives. They don’t really know enough for anyone to wanna listen to ’em. What can Justin Bieber tell you about life? Nothing. lol
Regardless of whether or not the Biebz thinks he has something worth talking about, they didn’t make it because someone felt he had a story to tell. They made it because the movie will make more money than the GNP of most smaller countries in the first weekend alone.
“I was born and I haven’t hit puberty yet, watch my balls drop in 3D!” /roll credits
I don’t trust any teenagers that want to come out with an autobiography or a movie about their lives. They don’t really know enough for anyone to wanna listen to ’em. What can Justin Bieber tell you about life? Nothing. lol