Ever wanted to be an executive producer on a feature film — or maybe you’ve got 10 bucks to spare for the sake of art? M / M is a feature-length, experimental, narrative film set in Berlin, Germany and written and directed by Drew Lint, and the crew are in their last week of their IndieGogo campaign which needs your help! A bit about the film:
The story follows Matthew, a Canadian new to Berlin who’s come looking to make a fresh start. Matthew meets Matthias, a striking and confident, young German. Their brief encounter leaves Matthew reeling. He becomes fixated. As his obsession grows, Matthew begins to take over Matthias’ identity. Being watched by the dead eyes of stone statues, he moves further and further away from reality into a world dominated by dreams and fantasies. This interior world starts to merge with the exterior world and reality really becomes a state of mind. Techno thunders and bodies quiver.
There’s just one week left in the Indiegogo fundraising campaign for this queer film project! You can contribute to the campaign and get sweet rewards in return — like a download of the finished film, an iPhone case, a tote bag, — even an Executive Producer credit if you really shell out the big bucks. Check out the new campaign video above and take a peek at a trailer video for the film! Click HERE to contribute and be a part of it today.
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