!! OMG, it’s an appreciation post for Spanish Olympic canoeist David Llorente Vaquero’s pectorals !!
» Posted By Igor On Wednesday, September 1, 2021 | category: Sports
Spanish Olympic canoeist David Llorente Vaquero has a chest and shoulders you could wash wishes on then hang the towels off of after. Check out an appreciation post of this man’s incredible Olympic physique after the jump!
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4 Commentson "OMG, it’s an appreciation post for Spanish Olympic canoeist David Llorente Vaquero’s pectorals"
Why does he have dishwashing gloves duct taped on while holding a surf board in a corn field?
And why is his left pinkie at such a broken looking angle in the second pic?
Actually, he most likely has an open wound/scrape. And has to keep the salt water off it or will not heal and will stay “fresh” rather than scabbing over. Common thing with surfing, can’t stay outta the water due to a minor scrape, at least I wouldn’t.
WOW SOOO ATTRACTIVE ♥️ strong HUGE guns papi DELICIOUS muscular armpits
Why does he have dishwashing gloves duct taped on while holding a surf board in a corn field?
And why is his left pinkie at such a broken looking angle in the second pic?
I would guess that he’s got those gloves on to either, is about to, or just has waxed his surfboard.
Actually, he most likely has an open wound/scrape. And has to keep the salt water off it or will not heal and will stay “fresh” rather than scabbing over. Common thing with surfing, can’t stay outta the water due to a minor scrape, at least I wouldn’t.