!! OMG, Benito Skinner presents: Kourtney Kardashian goes to Spirit Halloween !!

There’s even a guest appearance by Kimmy Kakes herself dressed in full Balenciaga, death-eather form! Check out comedian Benito Skinner as Kourtney Kardash above!

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2 Comments on "OMG, Benito Skinner presents: Kourtney Kardashian goes to Spirit Halloween"

  1. Who the hell cares about the KarTrashians? They’re about as important as an unscheduled trip to the toilet! I mean really! Why do they get so much press about everything from marriages to this kind of crap! Enough is enough!

    • YES!! Agreed 100%.
      They get the press because they work really, REALLY hard at getting the press!
      But still, unimportant and even more so, uninteresting.
      And I’m disappointed in this Benito clip. I’m usually a huge fan, but nope.

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