!! Cute !!

OMG, how fun: Gag Pillows

Remember that joke about dreaming you ate a giant marshmallow and waking up to find your pillow was gone? Yeah, that joke sucked. But now…

OMG, how precious: Baby Meerkats

These two widdew babies from Australia are so tiny they both fit in the zookeeper’s hand! I WANT! Click HERE to see a video of…

OMG, why we love cats: PBS

For everyone out there who wonders why we love kitty-catters so much, you should watch the PBS NATURE show about cats and dogs. I used…

OMG, kittens: Inspired by Kittens

This little princess sounds like she had six Caramilk bars dipped in Nutella before commenting on the kitty book. The dawning of the age of…

OMG, he won: Stump

Stump, a Sussex Spaniel, won Best In Show at the 133rd Annual Westminster Kennel Club show at Madison Square Garden. In even gayer news, one…