I always forget that Virgo starts in the summer, in the most manic and frantic ending days of August, hot and stale and feeling like you need to do everything you’ve ever wanted to.
Virgo can help you out of the summer if you let her.
Virgo loves to help more than anything, and gets a bad rap for being too ornery, too picky, too fussy, but any lover of a Virgo will tell you that they are careful, considerate, detailed.
Virgo is an earth sign and all earth signs are concerned with details and the practical.
Virgo is a mutable sign and all mutable signs are adaptable and changing.
When I think about the iconography of mutable earth, I think about earth when it is in a transient state—shifting tectonic plates, quicksand.
You too would be careful and cautious if you lived on unstable ground.
(Contrary to popular belief, Virgo would forgive me for writing these horoscopes late because she too gets fixated by perfectionism.)
At the beginning of Virgo season she gently walks up to the party to pick up the mess that Leo left behind, and by the end she has made everything tidy and perfect for Libra’s entrance.
This year Virgo season begins with Mercury still retrograde and ends with the planet direct and out of its shadow: few things are more helpful for Virgo to do for us than to gently nudge her ruling planet back on the correct path.
All the mutable signs come during the period when we are changing from one season to another. Leo (fixed) gets to announce the hot and certain days of summer, consistent for weather we associate with the season, and Libra (cardinal) gets to announce the beginning of Autumn, with her beautiful leaves and crisp days. Virgo bring us from one to the other, closing up the excitement of the heat and gently depositing us into sweater weather and the first days of school.
(In the southern hemisphere she does the opposite, bringing us out of the end of winter, into the outset of spring. Here she helps pick us up out of dark days and gently deposits us into the sunshine where we can shed our layers and get cute again.)
This Virgo season, I invite you to reconsider your relationship to this sign, misunderstood and poorly memed about. Replace the perfunctory schoolmarm in your head with the most helpful technician you have ever met: Put that person in the part of your chart where Virgo lives, and in this way you are doing Virgo remediation.
Enjoy the transition,
Horoscopes are written using whole house calculations and are meant as inspiration and affirmation. Specific calculations are made for the rising signs, but if you don’t know your rising sign, you can read for your sun. You can access your birth chart at astro.com, café astrology, or many other apps and websites using your birth date, time, and location. You can also find out lots of personal information by booking a reading with me here.
Aries rising
Virgo lives on your sixth house of day to day life. This house rules schedules, plans, labour, and your health. This area of your life was disoriented by Mercury’s retrograde throughout August. On September 9th, after stationing direct on August 29th, Mercury will move back into your 6th house after its backwards dip into your 5th, where it destabilized your creative practice and sense of fun starting on August 13th.
Did you have a scheduling mix-up that forced you to cancel party plans, or a busy few weeks at work that got in the way of your creative practice? When Mercury moves back into Virgo on September 9th you’ll get a chance to consider the chaos from the other end. This is very big back to school energy.
You may have spent the end of August waxing nostalgic for lost loves, or trying to fit in all the fun as quickly as possible. Take Mercury’s re-entry into your 6th house as a cue to focus on a stable daily schedule that allows you to settle into ritual and comfort.
Taurus rising
Virgo lives on your 5th house of creativity, fun, and romance – a part of the chart that governs the things which make life worth living. How delicious this part of the chart is, and how frustrating it can be to have this part of life be pickled with the perfectionism of Virgo. Mercury’s retrograde through this part of your chart may have given you some anxiety about these parts of your life, followed by some difficulty with your home and family as it danced further back into your 4th house of those same topics.
Did you party a bit too hard and neglect your home? Mercury in Virgo will let you know. On September 9th, after stationing direct on August 29th, Mercury will move back into your 5th house and invite a bit of organized fun into your life.
The rest of September will be a good time to carve out any creative projects or social plans that made their way to the back burner.
Gemini rising
Virgo lives on your 4th house of home and family, and as such Gemini risings can be quite particular about their household routines. Mercury’s retrograde through this part of your chart may have introduced some trouble at home or with your loved ones, trouble that was compounded into communication issues when it slipped back into your 3rd house on August 13th.
The last two weeks of August likely felt like you were banging your head against a wall and struggling to find understanding with people, or just that schedules were not working out as you need them to. When Mercury moves back into your 4th house on September 9th it will give you an opportunity to revisit the issues that started in August with a more clear mind.
Call your loved ones to apologize (or talk it out) and choose this moment to fix the things at home that broke in August.
Cancer rising
Virgo lives on your 3rd house of communication. This part of the chart also rules short trips (around the city – your commute, for example) so Mercury’s retrograde in this area possibly meant hell for your commute (helloooo construction season). On August 13th Mercury slipped back into your 2nd house of resources, messing briefly with your possessions and finances.
Did your car break down, forcing you to have terrible commutes, and then spend a bunch of extra money? Did you miscommunicate during a work-related conversation in August and face resource anxiety as a result? These are pretty literal interpretations of this astrology but both are useful templates to use as you look at what the past few weeks brought for you.
On September 13th Mercury moves back into your 3rd house, after stationing direct on August 29th, and you’ll get a chance to revisit conversations that went badly with a more clear head (or, god willing, your commute clears up).
Leo rising
Virgo lives on your 2nd house of resources, which governs not just your money but your possessions, energy, and your values. The Mercury retrograde through this area likely brought some kind of confusion to this area of your life, with possible money issues, lost possessions, or confusion around what you hold dear. These issues got personal when Mercury slipped back into your 1st house of identity on August 13th, forcing you to reckon with how much your stuff is also you.
Did your credit score take a hit and then you were left wondering how much you assign this imaginary number to your self worth? Did you have to go against your values to make money and then spend some time in contemplation of self-worth? Go easy because these areas are tied up in ways they don’t need to be (bc of something that starts with a C and rhymes with blabitalism).
On September 13th Mercury will move back into your 2nd house, after stationing direct on the 29th, giving you the chance to work through the emotional turbulence of this process.
Virgo sun and/or rising
Happy Virgo season to you! Whether you are a Virgo rising or Virgo sun this time sees the sun bringing you some attention and recognition. You, Virgo, are often misunderstood as too ornery, too fussy, too neurotic. What people don’t always recognize about your sign is that you are caring, concerned about the people in your life, and constantly trying to make things right. Life is hard for Virgos (and for all of us in the area of the chart governed by Virgo). Virgo is the most anxious sign of the zodiac because Virgo wants things to be perfect: as a Virgo rising this means you want your interactions, your identity, your looks to be perfect.
As a Virgo sun you have a high expectation for yourself to be perfect. This often holds Virgos back from doing the things they want because perfectionism is the enemy of completion. This Mercury retrograde has brought questions to your sense of self and sense of identity, annoying things during what is otherwise supposed to be ~your time~ but in some ways I can think of nothing more perfectly Virgo.
Take Mercury’s station direct back into Virgo on September 13th as an opportunity to consider what you really, actually, truly need to thrive and express yourself, and whatever the most immediately accessible version of that is, give it to yourself.
Libra rising
Virgo lives on your 12th house of dreams, solitude, and confusion. This part of the chart governs a lot of difficult stuff. I talk about this part of the chart as being The Void, the darkness inside and out. It is our shadow, both in the sense of the dark side of ourselves and in the sense of the darkness we cast behind us that we ourselves can’t see.
On a mundane level, Mercury’s retrograde through this area of your chart may have brought with it some very intense dreams. On a more esoteric level you could have been drowned in some summertime depressies and confusion, matters made worse by social difficulties that began when Mercury moved back into your 11th house of community on August 13th.
Did your wallowing prevent you from showing up for your friends? It’s ok – you need to wallow when the time calls for it – but when Mercury moves back into your 12th house on September 9th, take a minute to be alone with yourself and process the summer.
Scorpio rising
Virgo lives on your 11th house of friends, community, and social groups, meaning that in addition to the typical mysteriousness that Scorpio risings possess, you might have more social anxiety than you typically let on. Mercury’s retrograde through this area of your chart has seen the potential for misunderstanding between your friends or in your social groups. On August 13th Mercury danced backwards into your 10th house of career, bringing those same misunderstandings into your work life.
Did a conflict between co-workers start to affect your work? Did a difficulty with your friend group prevent you from focusing on your practice as much as you might like to?
These are pretty direct interpretations of the astrology so do with them what you will, but primarily think about the relationship between your social groups and your work as Mercury moves direct back into your 11th house on September 9rd.
Sagittarius rising
Virgo lives on your 10th house of career and public profile. Sagittarius risings are typically known for being sociable and adaptable, but such a perfectionist sign on your area of public identity (social media and your brand, really) means you might come across as more anxious than you really are. This also means you deal with both the many many ideas of Sagittarius and the perfectionism of Virgo—you likely often want to start projects but stop yourself before you get anywhere because if you can’t do something perfectly you don’t want to do it at all. This is tough!
Mercury’s retrograde through your 10th house this August has likely brought some confusion or misunderstanding at work, misunderstanding that was compounded when the planet moved further back into your 9th house of growth on August 13th. Did you have a schedule mix-up at work that made you miss a trip? Did a misunderstanding prevent you from taking a class you really wanted to?
This astrology gives you the opportunity to consider the relationship between your growth and your work, and to look at whether your work is actually giving you the space to grow as much as you want to. On September 13th when Mercury moves back into your 10th house, you’ll have the chance to put into action considerations about these issues that you’ve had, so spend the rest of this retrograde writing down your thoughts and feelings to make those actions easier to take on.
Capricorn rising
Virgo lives on your 9th house of growth and expansion, the part of your chart that governs travel, learning, and religion. With Virgo on this part of your chart you expect a lot out of this side of yourself, and might tend towards not being able to make plans for them unless they’re perfect and therefore never do them (just take the vacation, Capricorn). Mercury’s retrograde in this area of your chart has possible brought some nostalgia for past growth.
In early August were you thinking about time you spent in university? Important trips you’ve been on? Spiritual development? Mercury retrograde can make us tend towards nostalgia so any of these would fit the bill. Mercury moved back into your 8th house of intimacy on August 28th, bringing with it potential miscommunications in your closest relationships.
The 8th house also rules money matters like debt so it could have manifested this way also. Did you plan a big trip and not think about how much it would cost? Did you sign up for a course and need to take out a loan to do so? These would be the most direct interpretations of this astrology but think of them as metaphors for whatever may have happened while you reflect on the retrograde when it finishes on September 13th.
Aquarius rising
Virgo lives on your 8th house of intimacy. This part of the chart governs sex, death, and taxes – this is a bit glib but not untrue. The 8th house is complex and I think of it as dealing with entanglement. Frequent manifestations of an 8th house transit are dealing with death, a will, therapy, or debt issues. The 8th house describes the ways that our deep involvements with others become caught up in very mundane day to day things, and that those very mundane things can be very intense (I have personally cried in my tax preparer’s office more than once).
Mercury’s retrograde through this part of your chart beginning on August 5th introduced the possibility of old wounds returning, and perhaps some reminiscing you’d rather not do. When Mercury moved back into your 7th house of one-on-one partnerships on August 13th, these issues may have manifested as actual conflict or misunderstanding between you and your closest people. This is frustrating astrology, and Aquarians are a lot more social than the memes may tell us. I might see an example of this being your mind on nostalgia mode remembering and old fight that you’re still butt-hurt over and bringing it up with your partner sparking an annoying or circular argument.
Take a breather from however this manifested and look towards September when Mercury will be stationed direct and back into Virgo, where you’ll get a chance to more earnestly look at these conflicts or issues with a clear mind. Mercury direct in Virgo will be a great time to make plans to tackle an issue with the eye for detail that the sign possesses.
Pisces rising
Virgo lives on your 7th house of one-on-one partnerships, Pisces rising, meaning that for all the typical woo-woo nature associated with your sign, you’re actually pretty practical and detailed when it comes to your closest people. It could be that no one suspects that you’re the organized one, but secretly your partner is always counting on you to make sure that the schedule is right or the bags are packed.
Mercury’s retrograde through this area of your chart staring on August 5th may have brought up miscommunication between you and your closest one-on-one people, sparking conflict or confusion between you. As Mercury stationed back into Leo on August 13th, it moved back into your 6th house of day to day life and health. Perhaps conflict was taking a toll on your health and manifested as stress tummy aches, or your miscommunications were showing up in your day to day life.
Whatever it is, this astrology will cool down as Mercury moves back into Virgo on September 9th. Take the clarity of the station direct to communicate your needs directly, just as Mercury will be doing.
OMG Stars is our astrology column written by queer astrologer Amelia Ehrhardt (@amelia.np.e). At the beginning of each new astrological season, Amelia interprets the upcoming astrology with a focus on how to navigate current events (astrological and global).
I’m a Virgo, I ain’t a she and what the fuck was all that mess about? Too many words used to say nothing at all. Maybe if I was high on some heavy duty dope or drunk on the cheapest booze out there I’d have found some existential Oh yeah ok moment amongst all that drivel.