!! Life !!

!! OMG Stars: Horoscopes for Pisces Season 2025 !!

Queer astrologer Amelia Ehrhardt. Photo by Krystle Merrow

Photo by Krystle Merrow

Happy Pisces season 🐟

Pisces is the end of the zodiacal year which implies that the sign is the oldest and holds the most wisdom—if the zodiacal year is a parable for our lives, shouldn’t that be old age? But Pisces instead is the afterlife, the everything that comes once we die, about which we know nothing—so Pisces has the greatest wisdom of knowing how much there is we don’t know.

The archetype of Pisces rules the mystical, the romantic, and the creative. Pisces rules art, spirit, and meaningful service. Pisces must do what it believes in but is open to belief changing. Pisces is the mutable water of the middle of the ocean, with water all around you and below you and heavens above.

All mutable signs are concerned with change and adaptability, and Pisces exemplifies this by being about the constancy and the fluidity of change. As the final sign in the zodiacal year, Pisces underlines that stories go beginning, middle, and change.

The difficulty of Pisces is that all that belief, all those options, all that spirituality can be overwhelming. Pisces can tend towards inertia, needing to lie on the couch for hours because it simply cannot do anything else. Whether or not you are a Pisces, you are deep in the shadows of Pisces every time the couch pit of overwhelm happens to you. The shadows of Pisces include addiction and escapism.

Pisces’ ruling planet Neptune has spent the last fourteen years in its home sign, describing both the way that a kind of woodland elf aesthetic has gotten really popular in the last decade, but also how we are doing a lot more drugs than we used to. This coincides with the legalization of Cannabis in Toronto, ketamine therapy being popularized, mushrooms being something that health influencers take, and many of us drinking rather a lot. Luckily for me, it’s also coincided with increased interest in astrology and the occult. This year Neptune moves into Aries and we enter a new 14 year Neptune cycle where belief and vision shifts to the individual, to bravery, to self expression and to action and energy. This is a bit spooky to me given *everything* but I also think it can teach us that conflict in and  of itself isn’t bad, and that sometimes we simply must stand up for ourselves.

These horoscopes focus on your own Pisces side, based on your rising sign. If you don’t know your rising sign you can read for your sun sign, or read through them all and see which you identify with the most (and if you want to know why I recommend you read for your rising sign, read this.)

I hope those of you local to me are able to enjoy how pretty this snow is, and those of you not are keeping pace with the transitional season we’re in.


!! OMG Stars: Horoscopes for Aquarius Season 2025 !!

Queer astrologer Amelia Ehrhardt. Photo by Krystle Merrow

Photo by Krystle Merrow

Happy 2025, and happy Aquarius season, readers! ‹‹Before we begin, I must apologize, primarily to my Capricorn readers, for my neglect of the previous season’s horoscopes. The holiday season grabbed me by the hair and dragged me into the new year. I spent a lot of time thinking about the irony in how Capricorn season starts during the holidays. A sign about diligence and discipline opening up some of the most gluttonous days of the culture I live in.  This also explains my laziness in getting these horoscopes out, so I thank you for your patience, particularly you Capricorns waiting for your shout-outs.

With that said, these horoscopes are going to focus less on Capricorn (or Aquarius) and more on the astrology of the new year. I’ll still give compliments to Capricorn and Aquarius in your own horoscopes, but I would be remiss to ignore a 2025 update for you all since there is so, so, so much to talk about.

2025 is astrologically unique because after the 2024 movement of Pluto into Aquarius, all of the other outer planets are also changing signs. I’ve been digging around the internet looking for a clue about a time when this last happened, and the only answer I’ve found is 578 BCE from star-loom and even that only has 3 of 5. If you know of another year this has happened, let me know, but it’s mathematically very unlikely: Jupiter changes signs every year, Saturn every 2.5, Uranus 7, Neptune 14, and Pluto 12-30
I’m not good at that kind of math but perhaps if one of you is you can tel me the likelihood of such a thing. Suffice it to say, you don’t need to be an astrologer to remark that the world seems to be changing a lot, and while I firmly believe astrology doesn’t determine our lives, it absolutely describes them very well.

Of the slower moving planets in that bunch, all of them changing from water and earth signs into fire and air signs, this is moving from inaction to action, from emotion into expression, from detail into system. This is astrology about the exposure of things that have previously been hidden, things that have previously been held to be true and inevitable and that might turn out to not be so. The signs getting the bulk of this big action—Aries, Gemini, and Aquarius—are all action oriented signs, and all with a lot of propensity for chaos. I don’t mean chaos in the Internet-speak way that the word has become a substitute for “crazy”; I mean the true unexpected, disordered, and unruly.

These horoscopes will focus on the houses which will be newly occupied for you over the course of 2025. For some of you, the nature of the houses will be at odds with the nature of the sign—such is the complexity of astrology. For all of you, for all of us, I invite us to watch the unfolding events of this coming year with protection, clarity, and hope.

Happy new year,

PS: These horoscopes get a bit technical because there’s so much going on: Here is an “astrology for dummies” cheat sheet.


!! OMG Stars: Horoscopes for Sagittarius Season 2024 !!

Queer astrologer Amelia Ehrhardt. Photo by Krystle Merrow

Photo by Krystle Merrow

Quick emergency glossary:

Mercury = thought and communication

Mars = energy, will, anger

Retrograde = period of planet appearing to move backwards in the sky, denoting a “turning inward” on the energy of that planet

Happy Sagittarius Season!

It’s no surprise that this time of year is generally full of parties and holidays, despite being the darkest month in the Northern Hemisphere. Sagittarius teaches us to find hope, joy, and fun under all circumstances.

This year the season brings some extra energy, with both Mercury and Mars retrograde in fire signs alongside the sun, and the first weeks of Pluto’s long, long, long station in Aquarius. This is a lot of astrology about the unpredictability, about changes, about revision, about hidden anger coming to light, about justice, about truth, about confusion. This is a lot of astrology that will likely make people feel confused, frustrated, hurt, sensitive, nostalgic. This is a lot of astrology that will highlight the way that tension in our daily lives is a reflection of the larger world we live in—I’ve been thinking lots about the (now nearly twenty-year-old song) by $100 (heads know) “Paris is Burning”:

“…the men in the Commons, they keep getting taller/despite the battles we wage, they keep getting stronger/so we fight the ones we love, yeah it’s all for nothing/but the release of something that we cannot contain.”

And then there is Sagittarius: who rules Justice but not the Law. Who rules growth but not leadership. Who rules both learning and teaching. Sagittarius the competent, the energetic, the expressive.

Each of us have every one of the signs of the zodiac somewhere in our chart, with or without planetary placements. Each of us has a Sagittarius side – each of us has a part of our life about which we are adventurous, curious, and eager.. This part of ourselves (and if you have Sagittarius placements, this part will be louder) is a part of yourself you can learn from. This is a part of yourself that begs to be shared with, and begs to see, the world.

Your Sagittarius side can teach you, in the immortal words of noted Sag Britney Spears*: “I don’t need permission, make my own decisions, that’s my prerogative”.

Happy Sag season,

*there are some forms of historical revisionism I support: one is that Britney Spears wrote the song “My Prerogative.”


!! OMG Stars: Scorpio Season 2024 Horoscopes !!

Queer astrologer Amelia Ehrhardt. Photo by Krystle Merrow

Photo by Krystle Merrow

It’s Scorpio season.

We often hear this time, referred to as being the time of year when the veil is thinnest. The space between our realm and the realm of that which we cannot see this permeable, flexible.

One time, and I can’t remember if this was during Scorpio season or not, I was asleep in my partner’s bed. In the middle of the night, I woke up and hanging above the bed from the ceiling, about halfway down the mattress, with a ghostly apparition of many many pieces of dusty fabric. Sheer gauze and cheesecloth, all white, all old and tattered. Whether this was a mid-sleep, hallucination, a waking dream, or a visit from the spirit world, I don’t know. I sat up looking at it for quite a while, continuously blinking to see if it would go away and it didn’t. At one point I tried to reach out my hand to touch it and then common sense stopped me from that—I don’t watch a lot of horror movies because they scare me too much, but I watch enough to know that trying to touch the ghost is a bad idea.

I’ve taken this apparition, this memory, as such a literal metaphor of this veil between worlds. An actual veil! Of all ghosts to see, this was a pretty good one.

We love to talk about Scorpio in the context of the spooky. Scorpio is certainly the spookiest of the signs, not just because Halloween/Samhain falls under her purview. Scorpio rules the things that we are afraid of, Scorpio rules fear itself. Scorpio rules the feeling that you have when you have conquered a fear, when you have faced it and said that you “permit it to pass over and through you” (Dune, in general, is very Scorpio).

In medieval anatomical astrology Scorpio ruled the reproductive organs and the rectum—Scorpio ruled sex and shit. This sign is about transformation on its most profound and most mundane levels. The transformation of our bodies coming together to make other bodies. The transformation of our food into poop. All of this is Scorpionic.

Each of us have every one of the signs of the zodiac somewhere in our chart, with or without planetary placements. Each of us has a Scorpio side—each of us has a part of our life about which we are passionate, intense, and focused. This part of ourselves (and if you have Scorpio placements, this part will be louder) can’t be backed away from. This is a part of yourself you need to lean into, allowing full expression.

Your Scorpio side can teach you that every time you have felt like you are (or you have thought someone else is) too much, this can be easily reframed as an abundance of self.

Happy Halloween and remaining days of Fall,


!! OMG Stars: Libra Season 2024 Horoscopes !!

Queer astrologer Amelia Ehrhardt. Photo by Krystle Merrow

Photo by Krystle Merrow

Dear Readers,

“Infinity is duality:
the outside
and the inside
of everything
and nothing”

—Sun Ra, “the alternative to limitation”

Happy Libra season, happy autumnal equinox, or vernal equinox in the Southern hemisphere. Here we hang in the balance between day and night, equal parts light and dark. Libra season this year starts with her ruling planet Venus in her sign, on the tail of the lunar eclipse, in a week when I’m in a funny kind of chain letter with some friends encouraging each other to look at the moon every night.

Whenever I see Libra clients, I wind up telling the following story (so here I am giving away the cow with the milk):

This story comes from brilliant dancer and choreographer Justine A. Chambers. I was taking Justine’s class some years ago and she had us experimenting with gravity by standing high on one leg, up on a demi-pointe, while extending our remaining limbs as far from our bodies as we could, always maintaining a center of gravity. There was some spacey ambient music in the background, and the effect was one of a bunch of flailing orbiting bodies in a big empty room.

While we did this balance dance, Justine walked around the room and told us a story (with my apologies, Justine, if I’ve been telling this story wrong all along). She was once on a long bus ride that took a stop somewhere at a middle-of-nowhere gas station. Justine got off to stretch her legs and walked around the gas station. During this walk she came across a man tap-dancing on a piece of cardboard outside, doing this incredible movement balanced on the very tip of one shoe while orbiting the rest of his body around at great risk and momentum. Justine, as I remember the story, was transfixed and watched him until he finished his dance. Afterwards she approached him and disclosed that she was a dancer, and asked how he balanced like that. He told her, “balance is just moving in every direction at the same time”.

I think about this story always when I see Libran clients, trying hard to bring harmony to everyone, trying hard to advocate for their own needs, trying to seek balance but thinking too much in terms of this-or-that. This is not to say that all Libras are binary thinkers (patently untrue), but that a major feature of the archetype of Libra is the unit of two. The symbolism of Libra is the scale, moving things off of one side in order to balance the other. Libra is Cardinal Air—all air signs are about system, communication, thought, and all cardinal signs are about beginnings. When I think about the beginning of a system, the first kind of system we can understand, I think of a binary. Little children learn opposites, and this is their introduction to systems.

The other thing I always mention in my Libra readings is that Libra is 100% the Carrie Bradshaw of the Zodiac.

When the Libra side of us is in difficulty, we need to shift the perspective from the center out, balancing the self with the other/outer. Libra is about the appreciation of beauty, and I think about how reaching out of the self to notice something beautiful helps us achieve this kind of infinite duality, this every-direction balance between ourselves and everything else.

Happy changing of seasons to you,


!! OMG Stars: Virgo Season 2024 Horoscopes !!

Queer astrologer Amelia Ehrhardt. Photo by Krystle Merrow

Photo by Krystle Merrow

I always forget that Virgo starts in the summer, in the most manic and frantic ending days of August, hot and stale and feeling like you need to do everything you’ve ever wanted to.

Virgo can help you out of the summer if you let her.

Virgo loves to help more than anything, and gets a bad rap for being too ornery, too picky, too fussy, but any lover of a Virgo will tell you that they are careful, considerate, detailed.

Virgo is an earth sign and all earth signs are concerned with details and the practical.

Virgo is a mutable sign and all mutable signs are adaptable and changing.

When I think about the iconography of mutable earth, I think about earth when it is in a transient state—shifting tectonic plates, quicksand.

You too would be careful and cautious if you lived on unstable ground.

(Contrary to popular belief, Virgo would forgive me for writing these horoscopes late because she too gets fixated by perfectionism.)

At the beginning of Virgo season she gently walks up to the party to pick up the mess that Leo left behind, and by the end she has made everything tidy and perfect for Libra’s entrance.

This year Virgo season begins with Mercury still retrograde and ends with the planet direct and out of its shadow: few things are more helpful for Virgo to do for us than to gently nudge her ruling planet back on the correct path.

All the mutable signs come during the period when we are changing from one season to another. Leo (fixed) gets to announce the hot and certain days of summer, consistent for weather we associate with the season, and Libra (cardinal) gets to announce the beginning of Autumn, with her beautiful leaves and crisp days. Virgo bring us from one to the other, closing up the excitement of the heat and gently depositing us into sweater weather and the first days of school.

(In the southern hemisphere she does the opposite, bringing us out of the end of winter, into the outset of spring. Here she helps pick us up out of dark days and gently deposits us into the sunshine where we can shed our layers and get cute again.)

This Virgo season, I invite you to reconsider your relationship to this sign, misunderstood and poorly memed about. Replace the perfunctory schoolmarm in your head with the most helpful technician you have ever met: Put that person in the part of your chart where Virgo lives, and in this way you are doing Virgo remediation.

Enjoy the transition,


!! OMG Stars: Leo Season 2024 Horoscopes !!

Queer astrologer Amelia Ehrhardt. Photo by Krystle Merrow

Photo by Krystle Merrow

It’s Leo season, and as I watch my cats go from lying down dead asleep to fighting each other in two-minute increments, I am thinking about how Leo the lion is kind of just a giant housecat—and the astrology this Leo season is kind of like my cats fighting at maximum zoomie speed at 2 AM, running up and down the house sounding like bowling balls wearing tap shoes.

This is to say—there is a lot of astrology.

The big story of the sun in Leo takes place in the mutable signs of Pisces and Gemini, with Virgo briefly joining the fun towards the end of the month. Jupiter and Mars will be conjunct in Gemini from the 13th–18th, and Saturn in Pisces will square them during that time and hang onto his square with Jupiter until the start of Virgo season on the 24th. Towards the end of that square, Venus in Virgo will briefly oppose Saturn and square Jupiter/Mars, forming a two-day transiting T-cross. During the peak day of that astrology—August 19th—we will also have major astrology in fixed signs, with the full moon in Aquarius, sun conjunct Mercury in a transiting T-cross to Uranus in Taurus.

Two T-squares, a full moon, and a Mercury retrograde cazimi. Did I mention it’s the first day of the Democratic convention in the USA?

This astrology is: tense, changing, unstable, and yet: stubborn, unrelenting, change resistant, and yet; unreliable, confusing, and yet; expansive, opportunistic. Sounds exactly like US politics.

Although there’s plenty of memes and reasons to get more into US politics with these horoscopes, I’ll back off that content in favor of what I do best: the personal.

These peak hot days of August will be confusing, busy, and intense. They will be ripe with opportunity for interpersonal conflict, feelings of resentment, and interpersonal 180Âș surprises.

One thing I love about a T-square is that they’re lovely to interpret. They’re common in natal charts, frequent in transits, and have a nice key for understanding how to balance them. Tracy Marks describes T-squares as a three-legged table in which the table is missing its fourth leg, and instead of balancing out the table by replacing the leg, we pile stuff up on the corner opposing it to prevent it from tipping over. It’s much more efficient to simply replace the leg, but we get lazy and hyper focus on temporarily patching the problem instead. When interpreting them I consider the opposing point of the focal planet of the T-square—I consider the point where the table is missing a leg.

For these horoscopes, I am focusing on the mutable T-square with Mars/Jupiter as the focal planet and Sagittarius as the release point. To translate: I am focusing on the astrology that sees a lot of tension between signs that are about adaptability, and which bring a lot of attention to planets about anger, violence, and expansion. To combat that, I am asking us to consider growth, learning, and foreign experiences. 

With hopes we can all find that wisdom,

Find your horoscopes after the jump!


!! OMG, don't miss these !!