!! OMG, this Florida man got arrested after he denied that the drugs wrapped around his dick were his !!

34-year-old Patrick Florence of Clearwater, Florida (big shocker) is in a little bit of trouble after the police pulled him over for a traffic stop, and well… they found some of the BAD SHIT wrapped around his peen! Yes, Patty had coke and meth wrapped around his peen! But… he swore he didn’t know HOW it got there.

Pinellas County sheriff’s deputies said they stopped a vehicle driving without its lights on at 4 a.m. last Saturday. The man, identified as 34-year-old Patrick Florence, said the drugs wrapped around his groin area were not his but didn’t say who the drugs belonged to, according to the arrest report. Authorities said they found a gun under the passenger’s seat while searching the car and discovered the drugs while searching the passenger. Florence was charged with four felonies, including possession of cocaine, meth, ammunition, and a firearm. He was booked into the Pinellas County jail under a $24,000 bond.

Does anyone have 24k to spare poor Patty? Because the man is very resourceful and inventive and given the shortage on employees out there right now – could be a valuable and contributing member of your team!

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