What do you mean your guinea-pig just died, your boyfriend dumped you and your boss just “trimmed the fat” at work…he’s using business speak, but regardless, by “fat” he means YOU, and the term just about fits because your new years diet is NOT working…oh yeah, and the terminal never-ending WINTER BLUNDERLAND.
What the shit are you complaining about? These animals and their babies are cute so shut up whiney-pants!
After the jump you will see cute and cuterer…as you scroll down your life will become exponentially better and the hail storm outside will magically transform into a torrent of cute, raining down on your previously miserabubble ass!
Scroll and squeel…and once you’ve finished send it to your boss and your ex-boyfriend with the subject title “some portraits of my big cock and baby balls…suck it you chump”!