Lenny Kravitz is working a full trannie look in heeled hooker boots for men and head-to-toe goth/ninja attire [tabloid prodigy]
Lindsay Lohan failed her drug test. Back to jail! [popeater]
Disgraced gay pastor Ted Haggard rushes to the defense of disgraced probably-gay pastor Eddie Long [towleroad]
OMG new Harry Potter trailer!! [evil beet]
The Libertarians are actively courting the gay vote for the first time in history. [queerty]
Shakira gives her usual dynamic best on David Letterman performing her new single “Loca” [socialite life]
OMG new Bill and Ted sequel??? [pitnb]
A vice-principal in Pennsylvania has been arrested for sexting a 13-year-old student [starcasm]
Adam Levine comes to the defense of Jake Gyllenhaal over gay rumors, reinforces gay rumors [l.a. rag mag]
OMG leopard hanging out of an Audi on the highway in Russia! [uncoached]
After Elton reviews James Franco in The Howl [after elton]
Cameron Crowe and Nancy Wilson are divorcing [celeb smack]
Second (female) hooker comes forward in David Beckham cheating scandal [hollywood rag]
Model Michael Kenne Miller pushes the limits of how low you can wear your pants, all the while wielding a hose [oh la la]
Is John Travolta a (gay) sex addict? [dlisted]
Britney Spears is now wearing a bra [cityrag]
OMG pizza as conceptual art! [slice]
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