Either the Photoshop wizards at Details erased all his puffiness, or Ben Affleck has been living a more holistic lifestyle, because he looks great on the cover of the November issue.
Inside he talks about such interesting items as why dating J-Lo was bad for his career and why his directorial debut is going to be the best thing ever. He also says “f*ck” a lot. (via Ethan Says)
Peace in the Middle East is obtainable with US and The European Union intervention
People should be allowed to go naked in certain recreational areas only
More or less not much exciting happening today. I just don’t have anything to say. More or less nothing seems worth bothering with.
Sportspeople are, are not our Rolemodels
Estou no ltimo ano de Design na faculdade de belas artes de lisboa, mas, embora no tenha nada a ver com o curso que estou a tirar, tenho uma grande paixo pela biologia marinha, e j pensei vrias vezes em tirar o curso de Biologia Marinha quando acabar o que estou a frequentar. Sei que vai ser dificil mas eu estou disposta a tentar. Por issso, se tiveream alguma informao (cursos existentes em portugal ou estrangeiro, etc) que me possa ser til, agradecia que me enviassem para Muito Obrigada pela vossa ateno
i think he is extremely hottt!! always have! id carry his next baby if jennifer wouldnt mind! 🙂 im sure she wouldnt !
I haven’t been up to anything lately. I’ve just been letting everything wash over me recently. My life’s been generally boring lately.
have to agree with Craig. I personally never considered Ben Affleck to be hot. His bff Matt Damon is way hotter, especially in the Bourne movies.
i’d still fuck him as long as his cock was fat. if it wasn’t i’d make it fat.
lol…someone hasn’t seen a meth addict recently! affleck looks pretty good for an old man.
Matt Damon is far more handsome than Ben and is always better turned out for public appearances.
Matt never looks like he’s just washed his car and cleaned out the garage.
Ben is quite another story.
Appearances can matter.
“Looks great”? He looks like a meth addict.