!! OMG, R.I.P.: Amy Winehouse !!

In sad but true news (that surprised no one), British singer Amy Winehouse died this weekend. Her death is still under investigation by Scotland Yard and an autopsy will take place today to determine new details. Obviously, a drug overdose is the most likely cause. On his blog, friend Russell Brand wrote, “All addicts, regardless of the substance or their social status share a consistent and obvious symptom; they’re not quite present when you talk to them. They communicate to you through a barely discernible but un-ignorable veil. Whether this tragedy was preventable or not is now irrelevant. It is not preventable today. We have lost a beautiful and talented woman to this disease. Not all addicts have Amy’s incredible talent.”

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3 Comments on "OMG, R.I.P.: Amy Winehouse"

  1. Hi Jeremy, I considered not responding to this since you are “officially done” reading us, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned from blogging all these years, it’s that commenters like you can’t resist checking back to see if someone responded to their inflammatory words.
    So, since you’re reading: We don’t work on weekends, just like many Americans. If a celebrity dies over the weekend, we don’t post about it until Monday.
    In Amy’s case, we actually did hear about it within hours of the report coming out and posted it on our Facebook page. Maybe you should “Like” us there so you can get all the up-to-the-minute news coverage that everyone has come to expect from !! omg blog !! (that was a joke).
    Good luck wherever your next Internet travels take you.
    xo Frank

  2. Kevin in Cincy | July 25, 2011 at 8:04 pm | Reply

    Think what you will about Amy Winehouse’s “lifestyle” but it is an INCREDIBLE, TRAGIC waste of so much talent and promise. That tiny girl with the big hair and rockin’-this-eyeliner-look had it GOING ON. RIP, Amy. I hope you find the true peace that eluded you in life…See ya on the FLIPSIDE, as they say… 😉

  3. I guess it’s in the OMG handbook not to bother posting anything that doesn’t include “peen” until 2 days after the fact. I’m officially done reading this blog. What would it take for OMG to be on top of things? Go ahead, I gave you “on top” as parting gift.

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