!! OMG, new music: Jo Mistinguett brings us the flavor of the Brazilian queer underground !!

Do you have a taste for dissonant, noisy, electronic music? If so, then we’ve got something for that raging queer spirit!

TECHNO MUNDO is a three-track EP from multi-disciplinary artist Jo Mistinguett (@jomistinguett). The EP’s sonic landscape is a robust tapestry woven from electronic and digital equipment, spoken and melodic voices, broken beats, nostalgic retro sounds, pulsating synthesizers, experimental noises, organic instruments, spontaneous improvisations, and immersive effects. This fusion reflects the culmination of the artist’s two-decade journey as a DJ in underground clubs across Brazil and abroad.

The EP features visuals by visionary 3D artist Strangepeo (@estrangepeo). Check it out after the jump, and get to head banging!

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