!! OMG, quote of the day: Zoe Kravitz opens up about not wanting to have children !!

“For a long time, I felt like there was something wrong with me. I was waiting for this light to go off in my head, and it never did. When you’re younger, you’re like, ‘Well, I can’t have kids. I’m too young! It’d be crazy.’ I had to actually look at What do I want? I realized I had been ignoring it and not even thinking about the future…

“There’s a lot of pressure on women to have children, and there’s a feeling that if you don’t, you don’t have purpose here. But this movie, it feels like I gave birth.”

Zoe Kravitz, speaking to Harper’s Bazaar about not wanting to have kids and the pressures people face.

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1 Comment on "OMG, quote of the day: Zoe Kravitz opens up about not wanting to have children"

  1. Email is also fake | August 21, 2024 at 10:17 am | Reply

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