After his racist remarks regarding the Mexican people and immigrants to the US, Donald Trump’s already terrible reputation went to the shits. Artist Fernando Sosa had the genius idea to pay homage to the king douche by creating The Donald Trump Butt Plug!
“I wanted to do something insulting,” Sosa said of the 3D-printed sex toy. “I like the mental picture of his face going into people’s asses.”
As far as getting the trademark combover and Oompa Loompa-skin just right, Sosa adds, “The technology requires a certain thickness and texture on the hair, so duplicating his thin, see-through comb-over was tough.”
The Donald Trump butt plug is now available for just $27.99! HOURS of fun!
Actually Trump is getting a lot of respect for his comments on mexicans around here in Scranton, PA. Over the past few years we’ve had a massive influx of hispanics here, so many that the white populace is becoming the minority. The crime rate has skyrocketed, a day doesn’t go by without some crime being reported on the local news featurting hispanics as the culprits. The drain on our local welfare system has skyrocketed, they all seem to be on it. And now we’re dealing with spanish language billboards. Not to mention they all rent, not own, their apartments. So the city looses out on collecting taxes, which only homeowners have to pay. They also have seperate hispanic churches where nothing is in english. Most don’t seem to even know how to speak english from what I’ve been seeing firsthand. So yeah, most of the Caucasian populace here want Trump to run for President.