!! OMG Stars: Horoscopes for Pisces Season 2025 !!

Queer astrologer Amelia Ehrhardt. Photo by Krystle Merrow

Photo by Krystle Merrow

Happy Pisces season 🐟

Pisces is the end of the zodiacal year which implies that the sign is the oldest and holds the most wisdom—if the zodiacal year is a parable for our lives, shouldn’t that be old age? But Pisces instead is the afterlife, the everything that comes once we die, about which we know nothing—so Pisces has the greatest wisdom of knowing how much there is we don’t know.

The archetype of Pisces rules the mystical, the romantic, and the creative. Pisces rules art, spirit, and meaningful service. Pisces must do what it believes in but is open to belief changing. Pisces is the mutable water of the middle of the ocean, with water all around you and below you and heavens above.

All mutable signs are concerned with change and adaptability, and Pisces exemplifies this by being about the constancy and the fluidity of change. As the final sign in the zodiacal year, Pisces underlines that stories go beginning, middle, and change.

The difficulty of Pisces is that all that belief, all those options, all that spirituality can be overwhelming. Pisces can tend towards inertia, needing to lie on the couch for hours because it simply cannot do anything else. Whether or not you are a Pisces, you are deep in the shadows of Pisces every time the couch pit of overwhelm happens to you. The shadows of Pisces include addiction and escapism.

Pisces’ ruling planet Neptune has spent the last fourteen years in its home sign, describing both the way that a kind of woodland elf aesthetic has gotten really popular in the last decade, but also how we are doing a lot more drugs than we used to. This coincides with the legalization of Cannabis in Toronto, ketamine therapy being popularized, mushrooms being something that health influencers take, and many of us drinking rather a lot. Luckily for me, it’s also coincided with increased interest in astrology and the occult. This year Neptune moves into Aries and we enter a new 14 year Neptune cycle where belief and vision shifts to the individual, to bravery, to self expression and to action and energy. This is a bit spooky to me given *everything* but I also think it can teach us that conflict in and  of itself isn’t bad, and that sometimes we simply must stand up for ourselves.

These horoscopes focus on your own Pisces side, based on your rising sign. If you don’t know your rising sign you can read for your sun sign, or read through them all and see which you identify with the most (and if you want to know why I recommend you read for your rising sign, read this.)

I hope those of you local to me are able to enjoy how pretty this snow is, and those of you not are keeping pace with the transitional season we’re in.

Horoscopes are written using whole house calculations and are meant as inspiration and affirmation. Specific calculations are made for the rising signs, but if you don’t know your rising sign, you can read for your sun. You can access your birth chart at astro.com, café astrology, or many other apps and websites using your birth date, time, and location. You can also find out lots of personal information by booking a reading with me here.



You have Pisces ruling your 12th house of dreams and solitude. This is native Pisces territory and a deeply misunderstood part of the chart. In ancient astrology it was used for topics like assassinations and hidden enemies – we can assume that you are not personally at risk of these topics, and take the reading of the 12th house that it’s difficult sides include the shadow self, mental illness, and addiction. Transits through this part of your chart might make you sluggish and solitary, but they’re also great times for journaling, paying attention to your dreams, and doing things by yourself. This year’s Pisces season is particularly good for the journaling side of things, as Saturn has been in this part of your chart since 2023 (and leaves in May) bringing discipline, and Mercury is along for the ride bringing quick communication skills, I advise you to pick a spiritual, meditative, or introspective practice to commit to this month and commit yourself to self-knowing.



Pisces covers your 11th house of friends and social groups, bringing a romantic element to your friendships that fits in with Taurus’ Venusian nature. Wherever we have Pisces on our chart tends to be a place we care about deeply, but can also get overwhelmed by.  The 11th house rules your interpersonal connections but also any organized social groups you’re part of like unions, clubs, groups of coworkers, cohorts at school, or teams. Think about how you behave in these spaces, and think about how you bring your beliefs to them.

When dealing with a topic they believe in, Taurus can be powerful and insistent, so the mutable energy of Pisces with your friends can help soothe some of that stubbornness. This month is a really great opportunity to communicate with these social groups. If you have been taking on too much extra work, for instance always taking the minutes at work or doing the boring admin for a club, this month will be great to set a boundary and say you won’t do that anymore.

With Pisces in the mix you can do this with empathy and kindness, so take that opportunity.



You have Pisces ruling your 10th house of career and public profile. This can often lead to a lot of overwhelm – your Gemini rising wants more relationships, more people, more fun, more experiences, and your Pisces rising doesn’t know what to do with all this information and can go into shutdown.

Does your social life inundate you and incapacitate you at work? Do you ever feel like your identity is at odds with your work? This is in your chart. This month you have the gift of energy, communication skills, and discipline at work.

This is a good time to start projects you believe in. Saturn has been moving through your tenth house since 2023 (and leaves in May) which can mean both recognition and responsibility, so use your intuitive Pisces side carefully to see how to balance the two.



You have Pisces ruling your ninth house of growth, expansion, and learning. This can be quite counterintuitive for Cancerian people who like safety and their own homes but who also have a deep need to learn and wander. Pisces can get really overwhelmed by travel, but you feel a commitment to growth and learning as strategies for better understanding the people around you. How to cope!

This month the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn (who has been there since 2023, and leaves in May) are all in this part of your chart, working together to help manage some of that overwhelm. Mercury and Saturn together are excellent planners, so this is great astrology to plot out the trip or education project you want to take on.

If you find yourself overwhelmed, try sticking to a consistent and achievable set of goals: three deep breaths every time you feel overwhelmed, breaking big projects into smaller goals, and working however feels best for your body.



Pisces rules your 8th house, which is a complex and watery part of the natal chart, not unlike Pisces’ own nature. The 8th house describes our entanglements and intimacies. Leo people are naturally creative, and Pisces is also a very creative sign, meaning that you very well may appreciate creativity as a solution to difficult interpersonal conflicts, *or* have a creative practice that touches upon difficult subject matter.

On a more mundane level, you could find it difficult to articulate yourself when you’re in serious conversations, and may do well in alternative therapeutic modalities. This transformative part of your chart gets lit up by the sun this month, and accompanied by Saturn (who has been there since 2023, and leaves in May) and Mercury, you have more capacity to find the words to describe your hard feelings than you usually do.

If you see a therapist this is a really good time to try getting to the root of some tough problems, and actively naming them. Mercury will help you find the words and Saturn will help you find the discipline.



Pisces is the opposite, or sister sign, of Virgo, and as such it rules your 7th house of one on one relationship. The rising sign rules the 1st house, which has to do with your identity, and the 7th house lays directly opposite the 1st. The first house is “me” and the 7th is “us”. Pisces on your 7th describes that you might be much more romantic than your Virgo nature gives away, and much more creative.

The Virgo-Pisces opposition describes our reality vs. our dreams. This month your dreamy side gets support with the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn  (who has been there since 2023, and leaves in May)  moving through your 7th house and Pisces territory. You might be feeling extra romantic and creative, prone to expressing yourself to your loved ones. Mercury and Saturn give you some support around the practical aspects of this, and it’s a good time to talk about commitments with any one-on-one partners.

Whether it’s talking through the details of a contract with a collaborator or making plans for the future with a partner, this astrology is good for it.



Pisces rules your 6th house, having to do with your day to day life and health. Pisces on this part of the chart can help describe why Libra rising people may be challenged by schedules and organization: Pisces is a notoriously disorganized side of the zodiac. If you’re prone to confusing health issues, Pisces on the 6th also describes that (but note, this is NOT a diagnosis).

This month you get a bit of assistance around complex scheduling problems with Mercury and Saturn running through your 6th house. While Mercury doesn’t do terribly well in Pisces, the co-presence of Saturn  (who has been there since 2023, and leaves in May) helps bring some boundary and discipline to this confusing territory.

This is beautiful astrology for getting a day planner and some nice pens and planning out your next few weeks. Libra people often like colour coding, so feel free to get the multipack of gel pens.



Pisces rules your 5th house, a detail that really accentuate’s Scorpio’s creative side. The 5th house rules creativity and personal expression, and Pisces is one of the more creative signs in the zodiac, so this combination means that Pisces season is a great time for you to dive deep into expression. This month in particular the sun is joined by Mercury and Saturn  (who has been there since 2023, and leaves in May) bringing Mercury’s chattiness and Saturn’s discipline along for the ride.

If you have an ongoing creative practice of some sort, this is a great month for planning your next project. If you don’t, this is an excellent time to dip your toes in and try some sort of artistic endeavour you’ve always been interested in.

At the root of this part of the natal chart is fun, so remember: it doesn’t have to be good, you just have to enjoy doing it.



Pisces rules your fourth house of home and family, Sag rising, adding quite a bit of romance to the already romantic archetype of the wandering centaur. Pisces on the home indicates a dreamy, creative, and emotional relationship to these topics, both your current home and the home you grew up in as well as your family of origin and chosen family.

You probably like a home full of beautiful objects that remind you of all the places you’ve travelled to. This month this part of your chart gets an energetic boost from the sun, and some coordination help from Mercury and Saturn  (who has been there since 2023, and leaves in May) . On the practical level, this is great astrology for projects around the house, with some organizational energy you might not usually possess.

On the other hand it’s also really good astrology for connecting to the people you consider to be family and letting them know you love them. Pisces brings out your sweet side, you philosophical half-horse-half-human.



You have Pisces ruling your 3rd house of thought communication, which can lead to some unexpected qualities for Capricorn rising people. I know a lot of Capricorn rising folks who are very creative and very weird communicators, and Pisces on the 3rd certainly describes this. For all the stoic qualities of Capricorn, the creativity, expressiveness, and disorganization of Pisces really can be a shock.

This month you have Mercury, the Sun, and Saturn all moving through this area of your chart. The sun energizes you here, while Mercury sings your thoughts around and Saturn (who has been here since 2023 and leaves in May) has brought some discipline to your thought and communication.

This month is a great time to work on your communication skills – written and oral – and to organize your thoughts. As a bonus, if you have a writing projects to get through, this month is ideal for them.



Pisces rules your 2nd house of resources, Aquarius rising, which can be frustrating energy for budgeting and trying to keep on track. Pisces is a romantic and disorganized sign, so despite the logic of the Aquarian mind, your 2nd hour ruler can get in the way of your financial goals. This month is a good time to work both with and against this energy.

The sun in your 2nd house brings energy and attention to your resources (of all kinds, not just financial), Mercury brings a quick thinking mind, and Saturn brings discipline.

Spend some time this month taking stock and taking inventory to set yourself up right for the rest of the year. Saturn moves out of your 2nd house in May so it’s good to use that disciplined energy while it’s still there.



Happy you season, Pisces! You show us that experience is nonlinear, romance is daily, and that there are so many things in the world we do not understand. The empathy of the Piscean mind is a critical and misunderstood quality we badly need more of. Though it can be hard to exist in a world that can be deeply overwhelming, you help teach us that to care for each other and to express it is among the best parts of the world.

This month, whether you are Pisces Sun or Rising, you get energy and focus from the world around you. Quick moving Mercury in your sign brings some mental stimulation to your life, and Saturn’s last few months in Pisces closes off 2.5 years of discipline and responsibility—try to enjoy the last of that discipline while looking forward to the weight of his burden being lifted.

OMG Stars is our astrology column written by queer astrologer Amelia Ehrhardt (@amelia.np.e). At the beginning of each new astrological season, Amelia interprets the upcoming astrology with a focus on how to navigate current events (astrological and global).

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