!! Art !!

OMG how creative: Spam Poetry

Alessandro Esteri has created a book of poetry using only lines from spam emails. Here’s a sample: Summer is coming Summer is coming, time to…

OMG, how sweet: The Sugar Show

My friend Linda Griggs curated an art show all about cakes, candy, and sweetness as part of the E32 Series in New York City. It’s…

OMG how unsettling: Robotic eye

Last night I was doing some writing in my room, and my roommate was out, and Anderson-kitty was sitting on the bed. He kept staring…

OMG it’s dead: Polaroid

The original instant photography company, Polaroid, IS DISCONTINUING ITS FILM. It may not seem like a big deal, but for many photographers and artists it…

OMG how scary: Patricia Piccinini

Artist Patricia Piccinini creates life-like sculptures of what she imagines could happen when genetic modification gets out of our hands in her series “Nature’s Little…

OMG good for them: Lladro

Dated and often tacky porcelain manufacturers, LLADRO, are getting an update from designer BODO SPERLEIN. There’s already a collection of stuff that Bodo did (CLICK…

OMG how pretty: Bending Light

These images are made without a camera – light is refracted directly onto film from different sources and then developed and enlarged. See a couple…