!! Cute !!

OMG, how hungry: Winston

Those who have no experience with smush-face cats have no idea what an ordeal dinner can be. (via Fourfour)

OMG I shouldn’t show you this

The RANDOM KITTEN GENERATOR is completely addictive and will fulfill all your cute cat needs like we here at OMG never could with an endless…

OMG Janet Catson

Okay kids, I’m done for realz this time. Thanks to Frank for trusting me with his blog, and to all you loyal OMG readers for…

OMG Craigslist Cat Hats

I am obsessed with Craigslist. I especially love the BEST OF CRAIGSLIST. I almost gagged on my butterscotch pudding cup when I saw THIS POST…

OMG it’s Cindy, the balancing dog

AWWWWWWW! Special-precious-kins Cindy the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel can balance balls, Cheerios, and even yogurt cups on her nose, forehead and paw. She looks so…

OMG it’s official…

…I need a hedgehog! First THAT VIDEO and now this! I can’t stand it! Via CUTE OVERLOAD