HTF is Palm Springs gonna have a homophobic congressman? Gurl, you are Palm Sprangz! [instinct]
Matt Damon is getting dragged for shilling Crypto [dlisted]
Selma Blairand SMG out with their pups makes our heart warm [lainey]
All of the latest shirtless Insta-traps from your fave celebrity HIMBROS! [socialite life]
Here’s what happened with the last pandemmies we had, and how they all finally ENDED.. sort of. [towleroad]
CDC reccomends that regardless of vaccine status, that everyone avoid cruiseships [celebitchy]
Kamala was near a White House staffer who tested positive for the ‘vids [bet]
People share the moment they realized they hated their jobs [ruin my week]
Crocheted pants are back… but did they ever LEAVE!? [sad and useless]
Kamala didn’t test positive for covid. Please do better, OMGBlog.
And yet another reason I won’t pay for this content.
it’s SMG