Scorpio Season Horoscopes
October 24th – November 22nd 2021
What a delight to come back to writing these horoscopes after a long break and to dive right back into spooky season, to spooky Scorpio season. Scorpio is one of those elements of astrology that is so visible that non-astrology people will casually refer to folks as being “such a Scorpio.” The mythology of Scorpio is high visibility by the weather of its season in the Northern hemisphere, when things begin to die, but also by other phenomena in the natural world outside of this perspective. Sea turtles lay their eggs for the babies to hatch and run to the ocean, many being eaten in the process, during Scorpio season: the symbology of birth and death and emerging and being eaten is all very in line with Scorpio.
This Scorpio season, we’re seeing major action in three of the four fixed signs (Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius, with the final fixed sign Leo being hit only indirectly), but with a season opener in the mutable signs. From the 27th until the 30th, Venus in Sagittarius formed a square with Neptune in Pisces, possibly frustrating us and making us feel like the things we want (things which have felt like ours to take since Venus moved into Sagittarius on the 9th) are suddenly evading us. Venus ended her transit through Sagittarius with a brief kiss to the moon before entering Capricorn on November 6th, so she’ll be briefly cheerful before Capricorn asks her to get serious.
However the seriousness of Capricorn is a good place for her to be while so much goes down in Scorpio. Scorpio and Capricorn are signs that form sextile to each other — a relationship of amicability, of opportunity, and the Scorpio planets could use that bit of friendship right now.
In mid-November, Mercury and Mars join the Sun in Scorpio. Mars is in its ancient ruling sign in Scorpio, and the whip of the scorpion’s sting is an apt metaphor for the energy of this combination. Mercury in Scorpio minces no words and means business, while the Sun’s transit describes our annual traditions and rituals associated with the sign. November begins with a square between the Sun in Scorpio and Saturn in Aquarius, a thematic we see echoed throughout the month: from November 9th until the 12th, Mars also forms this same square to Saturn, and on the 10th and 11th Mercury joins the same pattern. On the 13th Mercury moves immediately to an opposition with Uranus, which it leaves on the 15th to be picked up immediately by Mars who closes off Scorpio season in opposition to Uranus. On the 19th we have a new moon and lunar eclipse in Taurus, along the same polarity as Mars and Uranus, underscoring the emphasis of these signs.
Fixed signs sustain, maintain, contain. The fixed signs also withhold and refuse to budge. The parts of your chart activated by the astrology this month speak to parts of yourself where you come to know yourself deeply and without compromise. Where your self-awareness is at its most firm, but also its most immovable.
This month’s horoscopes, in a new format, speak to this certainty and immovability, and to the struggles and gains you may experience in their wake.
Happy spooky season! Find your horoscopes after the jump.