7 Comments on "OMG, his butt: Kit Harrington in ‘Industry’"

  1. Eh, these are all so-so screen captures, the more you enlarge them, especially shot from that distance, the less detail you can literally see. I’m not interested in watching Industry for JKB peen and not for this either.

    I’m still not over the facial hair or haircut(s) on Kit; I mean, I’m glad he’s working out, and hope HE’s happy with his body and continues to stay in shape (as I would be for any male), versus being a lanky skinny Brit. Richard is still the sexier of the two from GoT.

  2. Which episode? I watched ep1 and ep2 and found nothig

  3. and what a mighty fine butt it is!!!

  4. WIDE…….

    • Nothing flat about that , you’re nuts

    • Oh SHANNON Sweetie HONEY! Didn’t we talk about how it’s best to just stop commenting all together? Every comment is the same negative excrement and we all just read it and think OMG what is WRONG with that person! Honey we’ve talked about the importance of mental health. Won’t mommy help you look up a therapist?

  5. Stunning….

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