!! OMG, he’s naked UHGAIN: French rugby player Sylvain Potard confirms that no Photoshop was used in that 2014 ‘Dieux Du Stade’ photo !!

It was the photo that caused the French press to ask, “Is that thing real?!” French Rugby player Sylvain Potard‘s nude shoot for the 2014 Dieux Du Stade calendar! But recent developments confirm that in fact it WAS and IS real! Untouched!

Check out the proof after the NSFW jump!

Click to enlarge!

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25 Comments on "OMG, he’s naked UHGAIN: French rugby player Sylvain Potard confirms that no Photoshop was used in that 2014 ‘Dieux Du Stade’ photo"

  1. Likely less real as people would think. It looks he had something done to make it bigger. He’s hot though.

  2. His anaconda don’t. His anaconda. Woahhhhhh

    NOW HE IS GAY???

  4. To each their own but beyond a certain size I don’t see much of an advantage – in fact, sort of the opposite. I know the size queens here will disagree, but that just looks like a lot of work to me. The photos are fun though.

  5. I wouldn’t take anything less.

  6. elsayed ismail | August 16, 2019 at 7:09 am | Reply

    he is handsome and has long penis in dick

  7. That is some serious tube steak on some hot sexy beefy

  8. Exactly! I’ve never heard of any photoshop claims. Especially since his porn came out way before the calendar/pics, smh

  9. Bruce Alexander | August 15, 2019 at 8:40 pm | Reply

    Wow!!!! I wonder if having something like that would hurt his playing rugby? Doesn’t seem to but how could it not?

  10. He’s handsome but that donkey dick is laughable.

  11. Kristen Mccleery | August 15, 2019 at 6:29 pm | Reply

    I miss my old body. I used to look good naked too.

  12. And another one joins the crew of the celebrity fad “SHOW THE PEEN”.

  13. Finally someone worth seeing naked!! This is a rare blessing to the eyes….and other places for some. He’s definitely desired handsome and sexy too

  14. Nice that’s a nice big uncut baguette to chew on for a whole meal! I wonder if he shoots a mean load???? LOLOLOLOL

  15. Wizard staff…

  16. Third leg in training?

  17. Glen w Roebuck | August 15, 2019 at 12:42 pm | Reply

    Cest Bon

  18. Sweet Jesus! Rearrange my internal organs now.

  19. There’s a video of him on the website Keum Gay… where he gets the start of a handjob and finishes himself. It’s all over Porn Hub.

  20. To quote Elizabeth, “OooooHHHHHH! Sweet mystery of life, alas I found you! ….WOOF!!!”

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