!! OMG, he’s naked: Guillaume Labbé in Netflix’s series ‘Shafted’ aka ‘Super Mâles’ !!

You may recognize Guillaume Labbé as one of the rugby players from the 2003/2004 Les Dieux Du Stade nude calendar series.

Labbé has made his way into the acting sphere and appears in Shafted after the NSFW jump!


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6 Comments on "OMG, he’s naked: Guillaume Labbé in Netflix’s series ‘Shafted’ aka ‘Super Mâles’"

  1. Guillaume is also naked in the Prime Video series Escort Boys and another Netflix series The Hook Up Plan. The latter is what first put him on my radar.

  2. Always Black History Month | February 4, 2025 at 8:59 pm | Reply

    White gays when you bring up the lack of representation of any group other than white gays or how racism is alive in the gay community: “grrr how dare you, blah blah insert other bs here grrr” lol

  3. Yes, because the most racist people are on actually on the woke left

  4. Beauty in black On Netflix has way better male nude scenes, and yet it’s not shown here.. is it because it is a black show?

    • This site has shown a lot of black content. Maybe they just don’t have the images of that particular show. No wonder Trump won. I consider myself a lefty but this woke shit is insufferable and needs to stop.

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