Hollywood screenwriter Jeff Tetreault, writer of the Cam Gigandet vehicle, BAD JOHNSON, and other films has some spicy photos and videos floating around out there. A former go-go boy, it may just be part of the package! Check out Jeff and his GOOD Johnson, after the NSFW jump!
Unfortunately, the way he looks is the only good thing about him. I too used to follow his tumblr back in the day. He is a total douche racist homophobe. He hides behind the veil of “dark humour” to express his opinions. I unfollowed him quickly after realizing how problematic he really was/is.
Big pass on this dick.
nice dick he looks kinda douchy though.
i haven’t been able to find said “spicy videos”. where are they?
WOWZERS!! What a hottie! He’s physically beautiful and perfect!!! That cock tho….what a work of art!! Would love to get skull fucked by him and play w that beautiful Grade A cut meat!! Yummmm!!! That cum shot tho….he’s all around perfect!
where’s the video?
WOW! He went from Clark Kent to Superman in just a few pictures!
This guy is a straight guy who danced in gay clubs and took gay men’s dollars but then says horrible things about them in his Facebook page. He’s a MAGA a**hole whose insides completely ruin whatever attributes he was lucky to have been born with.
Yeah, I had a nice conversation when he got down off his dance box at Revolver and friended him on Facebook. Didn’t take long before I unfriended him for his contemptuous comments about the gay men who give him money, phrased in explicitly homophobic terms.
Yep, I like all of that.
Impressive, the change from innocent Clark Kent in first photo, to naughty and hairy SuperDick in the latters….
Beautiful pecker!
I used to wank to his xxx Tumblr vids back in the day. Such a stud and uses that cock very well!
I’ve met him a couple of times when he used to gogo at FUBAR in West Hollywood. He’s was always super chill.
Fuck yes.
Well anything, anyone can be photoshopped. Rather impressive, you’re giving bits &pieces of his anatomy. Pleave provide a complete full frontal of Jeff w/o glimpses of his face so that you almost want to believe its him.
Come On!!!!!
He’s also a huge fucking idiot Trump supporter, so why OMG.BLOG would be highlighting him is beyond me.
one of the few instances when the private pics or videos of a male celeb
where the guy pops a load.
It’s sooo HUGE
Just delicious…yummmi ;P
Beautiful, hung, well preserved, nice thick thighs, nice chest….probably nice toes to….
Face fuck me please
That is one beautiful COCK
V/ cute face but overall not my type!
Omg drop to my knees for that bad boy