!! OMG, after 4 decades, Wheel Of Fortune’s Pat Sajak is stepping away !!

41 seasons and 8,000+ episodes later Miss Patricia Rebecca Anne Sajak is saying buhbye to their role as thee iconic host of WHEEL OF FORTUNE! Grab the tissues, and listen to Pat’s goodbye message above.

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8 Comments on "OMG, after 4 decades, Wheel Of Fortune’s Pat Sajak is stepping away"

  1. this will just allow him more time to campaign for his fascist friend 45 aka reTrumpliKLAN DJT

  2. Bob Barker was the most charismatic host, IMO. Alex Trebek was sharp as a tack and seemed just as smart as the contestants, great fit for the show.

    Never really understood the appeal of Pat Sajak. He was okay but certainly not a legend.

  3. Glen Roebuck | June 10, 2024 at 10:09 pm | Reply

    Pat is a rabid Maga.

  4. Thanks for stopping by. But, after learning that you are a dedicated Trumpster, can’t
    stand the sight of you. May you fall in a bottomless hole! Run on along!

  5. PatSajakIsNoBueno | June 10, 2024 at 6:01 pm | Reply

    Pat Sajak is a racist anti-lgbtq bigot and right-wing nut job. Good riddance! Bye gurl byeeee

  6. Good riddance. Right wing nut job and homophobe

  7. “Miss Patricia Rebecca Anne Sajak”???? — Is that a joke, or what? I’m confused! 🙂

  8. He’s conservative republican trash, good riddance!

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