!! OMG, are you a cuntry kween!? Listen to RPDR’s Trixie Mattel preview her upcoming country album ‘Two Birds’ !!

Refreshing to see tha it’s not tailored to only just the circuit scene like most drag queens’ music releases. Check out Trixie‘s full album preview above! Thots?

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5 Comments on "OMG, are you a cuntry kween!? Listen to RPDR’s Trixie Mattel preview her upcoming country album ‘Two Birds’"

  1. Thanks for informing us with the latest news of two birds album. I will definitely listen to this album and give you a feedback.

  2. Thanks for sharing. I hope it will be helpful for too many people that are searching for this topic. Keep posting and keep this forum a great place to learn things.

  3. What you’re saying is completely true. I know that everybody must say the same thing, but I just think that you put it in a way that everyone can understand. I’m sure you’ll reach so many people with what you’ve got to say.

  4. She scares me. I’ve always had an irrational fear of clowns lol

  5. I agree with you. I’m glad it ain’t no dance music like every other queen. I like it.

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