!! OMG, FKA twigs appears in front of U.S. Senate to advocate for artists’ rights, protection of likeness, and to speak out against exploitation with AI !!

AI is growing faster and faster, and as many have predicted, will probably effect a lot of people’s livilihood in the process. A new Senate bill seeks to protect artists from AI Deepfakes. The No FAKES Act would give artists legal recourse when their digital likeness has been used without their permission.

And singer, dancer, musician, actor, producer and artist FKA twigs isn’t just going to sit idly and let it go down without some protections put in place. She took the stand in front of the US Sentate to voice her concern this week:

“My art is the canvas on which I paint my identity and the sustaining foundation of my livelihood. It is the essence of my being. Yet this is under threat. AI cannot replicate the depth of my life journey, yet those who control it hold the power to mimic the likeness of my art, to replicate it and falsely claim my identity and intellectual property. This prospect threatens to rewrite and unravel the fabric of my very existence. We must enact regulation now to safeguard our authenticity and protect against misappropriation of our inalienable rights…”

Find the rest of twigs’ testimonial and the full video after the jump!

“…As artists and, more importantly, human beings, we are a facet of our given, learned, and developed identity. Our creativity is the product of this lived experience overlaid with years of dedication to qualification, training, hard work and, dare I say it, significant financial investment and sacrifice. That the very essence of our being at its most human level can be violated by the unscrupulous use of AI to create a digital facsimile that purports to be us, and our work, is inherently wrong. It is therefore vital that as an industry and as legislators we work together to ensure we do all we can to protect our creative and intellectual rights as well as the very basis of who we are.”

[via pitchfork]

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