!! OMG, gossip: Madonna gets a new boytoy to stuff her stockings this holiday season !!

Madonna, 61, has a new 25 year-old back-up dancer boytoy [celebitchy]

Kumail Nanjiani does a ‘cycle’ or five for MARVEL [boy culture]

Trump melts down in 6 page letter to Nancy Pelosi calling impeachment proceedings ‘unconstitutional’ and ‘offensive to Christians’ [towleroad]

Duchess Kate refused Prince William‘s PDA advancements on TV [dlisted]

That’s IT!? Gilead donated $2.3 million to fight HIV in the south [instinct]

Hallmark apologizes for pulling gay ads after backlash [gay fleshbot NSFW]

Marriage Story gets memed [socialite life]

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4 Comments on "OMG, gossip: Madonna gets a new boytoy to stuff her stockings this holiday season"

  1. Y’all are talking mad heat on a billionaire that’s touring her number one album. You are chillin there looking through your broken I phone on your break working a double. Look into yourself sometimes.

  2. Y’all are talkin mad heat on a billionaire that’s touring her number one album on your cracked iPhone XR on your lunch break. Step off.

  3. OMG he is so ugly. Come on Madge you can do better than that.

  4. I wonder what attracted him to the multi millionaire Madonna/

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