!! OMG, Happy Friday! Hosted by Rammstein showing their support for the LGBTQ !!

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Equal rights for all #rammstein #lgbtqpoland

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German tanzmetal legends Rammstein flew the pride flag high during a recent concert in Poland which was the band’s response to recent events in Poland where attacks on the LGBTQ people by extremist far-right nationalists are on the rise.

On July 20 during the first ever Pride event in BiaÄșystok, Poland, a group of extremists pelted the march goers with rocks, glass bottles and firecrackers. 25 people have been detained by police.

A few days prior to that event, a right-wing Polish news magazine announced plans to distribute “LGBT-free zone” stickers to readers, comparing gay people to Nazis as it vowed to fight against the “LGBT ideology.”

The ruling Law and Justice party is also dominated by anti-LGBT views, with party leader JarosƂaw KaczyƄski declaring LGBT+ people a “threat” to the country and an “attack on the family and children.”

Good for the band for using their platform to spread love and acceptance to a fanbase that could very well include some fascist, nazi types given the band’s sound! They’re great people for a positive example!

[via ontd]

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