!! OMG, here’s a bunch of times really short people met really tall people and it was awesome !!

Opposites attract! Check out some very tall humans meeting some very tiny humans after the jump!


[via boredpanda]

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5 Comments on "OMG, here’s a bunch of times really short people met really tall people and it was awesome"

  1. I would get so tired of being told how tall or short I was by complete strangers.

  2. That is the guy who played the mountain on game of thrones

  3. I used to work at a laundromat. One day I’m ducked behind the counter reorganizing and I pop my head up to see a little person coming up to drop off her laundry. Her face lights up when she sees me, obviously thinking I’m a dwarf too. I stand up and her jaw hit the floor as I reach my full height (5’10”, 177cm). We share a laugh.

  4. Do we have a name for the beefy guy wearing the strong mother f*#ker tshirt. I want to find his nudes

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