Sienna D’enema said it best when she proclaimed “I WANNA FUCK BURT REYNOLLLDS!”
Check out Burt Reynolds’s famous Cosmopolitan bearskin photoshoot sans hands after the NSFW jump!
Sienna D’enema said it best when she proclaimed “I WANNA FUCK BURT REYNOLLLDS!”
Check out Burt Reynolds’s famous Cosmopolitan bearskin photoshoot sans hands after the NSFW jump!
Snipes never thought his softy was gonna go on film so he’s cold, wet, shrunk. BR just had that 70s grown man body and I heard he still had to be convinced to get naked
Birt Reynolds was a misogynistic POS with a fragile ego. There is NOTHING sexy about him.
Snipes isn’t the only one who could be jealous
Of Burts penis and build.
Woman are in all. While the penis ain’t real big
Most woman view the package as way above
In appeal.
Seems better endowed than Wesley Snipes. Not that anything wrong with Wes.
Man Jewish manly dads penis may have been over a foot bigger than both men’, normal adult penises size combined.!!!!
SOME FOLKS get Lucky as hell
Burt was so sexy that the penis shot is superfluous.
Many attributes
Wesley Snipes in wildcats seems to sport a one inch normal b adult semi Burt 4 times that but both manly
While far from large some penis are a thirds burt size.
Size matter only a tad
Wes snipes sports a cute semi in wilcats
Burt is many and just fine
hot body hair and bush! love the natural 70’s look.
This is a gift from heaven.
Yes, yes, yaaasssssssss!!! You are truly doing God’s work here.