74 Comments on "OMG, he’s naked UHGAIN: Tatted X-Factor contestant Ellis Lacy"

  1. Cock not very big (I’m a size queen), I hate tattoos, I hate cocks that are uncut, this is so repulsive to me —help, I can’t go back and unsee!

  2. Oh,my god…

  3. He has one of the best dicks I’ve ever seen.

  4. Yawn…..

  5. elsayed ismail | April 2, 2018 at 6:18 pm | Reply

    nice butt and long dick and beautiful tatto

  6. Omg hebis sobhot!! I wish he can X factor my holes and load them up babe. His piece is hot!!!!

  7. elsayed ismail | March 31, 2018 at 8:41 pm | Reply

    the body is full of tattoo and he has long dick and beautiful butt,so all body is so sexy and beautiful

  8. truth-a-nator | March 31, 2018 at 12:48 pm | Reply

    why are all of you so obsessed with cut or uncut? I take it most of y’all are in the US. Because the rest of the world doesn’t really care. In fact, that same rest of the world is uncut, mostly. If you have an uncut dick, it just takes a bit more effort to clean. There is absolutely nothing wrong with either. If you’ve been with a mix of both, you start to understand, it aint the dick that makes good sex, nor the size, nor the color, nor the tattoos or not. If you think otherwise, than y’all need to branch out and fuck more.

    • Deal with it | April 1, 2018 at 5:55 am | Reply

      Circumcision makes it look more aesthetically pleasing in more ways than one

      • It’s preference really. It’s just annoying when morons start talking about dickcheese and circumcision scars as if one pecker represents the whole lot.

      • Circumcised looks ugly. Only Americans find a circumcision scar and dried up penis attractive but to the rest of the world, cut looks ugly


  10. Mmmm I’d SOOOOO let him pop a squat and dump a load on my chest! This boy is hot hot hot!

  11. In spite of his unfortunate decision to become another illustrated man, he is quite a delicious hunk of flavorful meat.

  12. He’s not bad. His skin looks really smooth, which is somehow quite sexy… His best actual feature though is that pair at the rear. Small but oh so perky. Dick is OK looking.

  13. Richard Vestal | March 30, 2018 at 7:14 pm | Reply

    I’m just saying Thank you!

  14. I don’t like tomato ketchup on my food, but I wouldn’t pass judgement on those that do.

    Same as it doesn’t bother me if you like your men cut/uncut, tattoed or ink free, I’lll never understand how somebody else’s preferences bug some of you lot so much.

  15. spongebobcrankypants | March 30, 2018 at 5:59 pm | Reply

    Very nice. I would touch and sniff it.

  16. To realise he’s got all inked up just so his penis would stand out is at least disconcerting…

  17. I myself think it’s sad, but it’s his thing, not mine, but the back and forth remarks between gays on here is more disgusting than anything else, everyone has his or her own opinion on things such as tattoos, grow up and maybe people will be more willing to accept you into the fold of society

  18. babe, this stuff is old, come on

  19. Absolutely the hottest body and cock that’s ever been on this site. I would kill to have his body.

  20. On the plus side, you get to see an art show for FREE when you fuck him! Now that is my kind of opening.

  21. he looks like he has scales rather than skin.

  22. Face, all inked up and dick…all gross. No thanks. But the thirsties will be all over anything around here apparently. Sad.

  23. how did you find these photos? i should subscribe to it then

  24. foreskin is disgusting….#barf

  25. His foreskin is the only thing good.

  26. Good thing he’s got a big dick and beautiful ass, because otherwise I would not know where else to look.

  27. Horrible. Absolutely horrible. You lot are so thirsty.

  28. It’s not the ink it’s that foreskin yuck

  29. Snuggle bunny on the low | March 29, 2018 at 11:29 pm | Reply

    Looks dirty and not the good kind


  31. Great ink, beautiful dude.

  32. Time for all the “He has too much ink” comments.

  33. I would eat that ass

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