On Saturday hundreds of white nationalists, alt-righters, and neo-Nazis traveled to Charlottesville, Virginia to participate in the “Unite the Right” rally. By Saturday evening three people were dead – one protester, and two police officers – and many more injured. Charlottesville: Race and Terror shows us the horrifying, and growing direction in which the USA, under Trump’s presidency, may be headed. Thoughts?
UPDATE: Here’s the blubbering, sobbing and scared right-nationalist pleading on Youtube and seemingly half-backtracking after the VICE documentary was release with him as the star-hatemongerer. How poetic:
Hoax aimed at demonizing white ppl. Cheers and welcome to reality!
Let’s unpack this… First lets just state the obvious here – words mean things… 🙂
“Hoax at demonizing white ppl” = a scheme to do harm at threatening white people? So white nationalists, alt-righters, and neo-nazis equates a generalization of “white ppl” or those white people that support, share and exhibit the opinions, behaviours & actions of those ideologies? If so, that speaks volumes of your point of observation. “Cheers and welcome to reality” = good wishes and welcome to my POV? Reality is subjective to each person and maybe that’s how it works for you in your world however some of us with “common sense” know the difference of the “real world” and the “living world”. Wake up & get out of the sunken place!
this is the scariest shit. it honestly makes me think about getting a gun for protection purposes.