!! OMG, someone is making ‘TED CRUZ was THE ZODIAC KILLER’ t-shirts to help pay for abortions !!


I don’t know if you’ve ever taken a close look, but Republican candidate Ted Cruz‘s mug looks eerily similar to that of the never-caught unidentified serial killer who operated in northern California in the late 1960s and early 1970s – THE ZODIAC KILLER.

Well, two Texans are taking the comparison to new levels by selling ā€œTed Cruz Was the Zodiac Killerā€ T-shirts online and donating the profits to an organization that funds abortions.

ā€œThereā€™s no way Ted Cruz is the Zodiac killer ā€” the dates donā€™t match up. However, thereā€™s no way of knowing whether Ted Cruz has sworn with his every waking breath to further the agenda of the Zodiac Killer, whom he may or may not love.ā€

Faust said the profits will go the West Fund, a nonprofit that helps women pay for their abortions in El Paso, Texas, which is one of the poorest cities in America.ā€œWe launched the shirt campaign because the Rio Grande Valley is an abortion wasteland ā€¦ and this was really bringinā€™ us down,ā€ Faust told Cosmopolitan in an email.ā€ Faust says he has since raised $6,500 for the organization.

According to Cosmo, the lack of options for women seeking to terminate a pregnancy is ā€œa vision of the futureā€ if the law is upheld in the Court, he explained, ā€œand the cruelest penalties are levied upon those who can afford them least.ā€

Will you be nabbing one of these historic presidential tees?


[via deadstate]

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