!! OMG, stuff our stockings! An anaTOMically correct ‘Tom Of Finland’ doll exists! !!

In 2003 the Tom of Finland Foundation put out the first Tom of Finland anatomically correct action figure, modelled after the famous homoerotic art created by Touko Valio Laaksonen AKA Tom of Finland.

Called the ā€œ001 Rebel,ā€ the officially licensed thirteen-inch doll comes dressed in a leather jacket, leather pants, cropped white t-shirt, and motorcycle boots. Other accessories include three extra penises (one of which appears to be uncircumcised), two sets of feet and two Tom of Finland of condomsā€”one of which fits the dolls giant, erect dongs. Amusingly, the package contains a not-so-ironic warning that it contains ā€œchoking hazards.ā€

Find the NSFW images of the Tom of Finland doll and his ā€œaccessoriesā€ after the NSFW jump! You can even order a friend one for the holidays, right HERE!


[via dangerous minds]

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8 Comments on "OMG, stuff our stockings! An anaTOMically correct ‘Tom Of Finland’ doll exists!"

  1. I still have mine from then! Lol.

  2. Some one has never seen a neked woman.

    And they were comics not fine art. Although some panels could get a Lichtenstein treatment to elevate them.

  3. Eh…I was never a fan but then I’m not into the whole leather/bdsm thing either.

  4. In the 1940s, when being gay could get you sent to a mental institution or even killed, Tom of Finland embraced his homosexuality and opened the door to our fantasies through his art. To call his art “trailer trash can of gay art” ignores our and his past and shows your privilege.

    • Bullshit. Being oppressed has nothing to do with *some* people’s trashy fantasies. It’s no more to do with insurgency than whipping your dick at near the milk in a supermarket.

  5. Homoerotic my arse. I donā€™t want a guy with girly thighs and other unattractive disproportions. Looks like that villain from Lazy Town.

  6. To each their own, but I always thought the entire Tom of Finland brand to be the trailer trash can of gay ‘art’.

    • I agree. Tom of Findland never captured my attention. It always seemed very…1980’s quality of art, if that makes any sense.

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