I Am Michael tells the true story of Michael Glatze (played by James Franco) who was a high-profile gay youth activist who provoked controversy when he became a straight christian pastor, claiming he was no longer gay. Zachary Quinto plays Glatze’s boyfriend, while Scream Queen‘s Emma Roberts plays the woman who becomes his girlfriend. The film hits theaters and digital release January 27. Check out the trailer above!
Is anyone else unnerved by the fact that they are making a movie promoting the homophobic and destructive “Ex gay” movement. I’m really disappointed in James Franco and Zachary Quinto for making an anti gay propaganda movie. Many gay people have been hurt significantly by so called “reparative therapy” and along comes a movie promoting the latest poster boy for the “pray the gay away” crowd. This is a discredited practice that has led to suicide and damaged and hurt people. Shame on those who made this homophobic hateful trash.