Jessica Simpson enjoys sloppy tongue kisses [cityrag]
Rupert Everett has turned his poison tongue from Michael Jackson to Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter [dlisted]
OMG Lindsay Lohan may act in a movie! [socialite life]
Producer Ryan Tedder (of One Republic) sold the same backing track to Kelly Clarkson and Beyonce without telling anyone [amy grindhouse]
OMG Wilson Phillips reunites without Carnie! [kenneth]
Marc Jacobs gets political again with new gay marriage t-shirts [towleroad]
Jennifer Lopez cries at her surprise 40th birthday party [hollywood rag]
Michael Phelps gets mostly naked again [l.a. rag mag]
OMG it’s Ali Larter‘s butt (upskirt)! [yeeeah]
And fellow swimmer Ricky Berens had a wardrobe malfunction that left his butt hanging out [oh la la]
OMG how excited are you for the new season of Dexter? [pajiba]
Watch Sarah Palin descend into incoherency [gawker]
OMG, that poor dog! I hope it had its shots.