When dolphins aren’t playing with dead babies or trying to rape humans, like in the link I POSTED YESTERDAY, they are busy impressing people by creating toys for themselves out of thin air. Mesmerizing!
When dolphins aren’t playing with dead babies or trying to rape humans, like in the link I POSTED YESTERDAY, they are busy impressing people by creating toys for themselves out of thin air. Mesmerizing!
i think my favorite thing about this video is how they play the innocent sounding music. it could be even better…if you see some innocent person in the background trying to swim away from the dolphin before they take advantage of them, while listening to the innocent sounding music. 😀
Oh, this clip combines three of my favourite things: dolphins, Stephen Sondheim and the possibility of being raped, er, I mean, bubbles.
i would like to totally fag out here and point out that the music playing in the background is from INTO THE WOODS.