Today we’re looking at some extra dumb “Missed Connections” posts on New York Craig’s List.
Entry 1: All things Apple… – m4w: You work at the Apple store in Soho, have short brown hair with red highlights, glasses. You are absolutely stunning. I love Apple stuff. Could you give me a discount?
Entry 2: Kiehl’s. Columbus ave. You liked my purple shirt – m4w: Lovely Kiehl’s employee. You liked my purple shirt and asked if I needed a bag. Adorable,sweet and a little offbeat I would like to get to know you.
Entry 3: Waiter/Singer at Ellen’s Stardust Diner, Bway at 50th – m4m: DAMN you are hot. You were wearing a name tag that said “Judy” and I have no idea what your name is.
What do all these posts have in common? Answer after the jump!
These are not missed connections. They are employees you are obsessed with, and you know just where to find them if you actually had the nerve to talk to them.
Have you found something totally dumb while surfing the information superhighway? Has cyberspace offered a beautiful gleaming turd you would like to share with me? Send it my way and it could be featured next time.
Glad to see I’m not linked here.