Supermodel Helena Christensen has decided to take it all off for the cameras, but of course only for the coolest and edgiest of French fashion magazines. After the jump see her very naked spread that appears in the current issue of Purple magazine [NSFW]. She’s looking pretty good, especially with the floppy hat on. I love the floppy hat.
Click to enlarge.
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you terrify me.
That comment by “D” is a pathetic brainwashed christian fanatic. It’s so sad that freaks like those who always try to band together and oppose gay marriage and human rights,etc. They are the true clowns of the 21st century.
Shes one of my favorite supermodels that was very natural…she had the best breasts too
BC, that was hilarious!
D you are an idiot, if you read more than one post you will see that you are critiquing the very nature of this blog, as for Jesus, feel free to make your own OMJ blog to use his name all you want. I for one would not be there.
Oh and I guess I would be a ‘black demon’, you racist tripe spewing, neanderthal.
no, faggot. not ‘omg’ shes naked. you sound like youre scared. pathetic white chump. women are not to be feared moron, but loved and appreciated by Gods grace. The Only One to fear is God. Only God is Worthy to be feared. Only God has the Power to put in Heaven or Hell. Fear God. I fear God, and nothing or nobody else, by Gods grace. Jesus Christ IS Almighty God manifest in the flesh, and He saves by His grace. We fear God, by His grace, and we dont have to be afraid of anything or anybody else, by Gods grace. Jesus Christ IS Almighty God manifest in the flesh, and He saves by His grace. women are pussies. dont be afraid of a woman. BITCH. Jesus Christ saves. not ‘coolest and edgiest’… fucking moron.
‘edgy’ isnt cool. white demons might think that. ‘jittery, nervous, uptight’… those are synonyms of edgy. white uptight demons might think thats ‘coolest’. LOSERS. lemmings of the Earth.
no, the Coolest is Jesus Christ and His Love. His Love makes us calm, peaceable, chill, laid back, loose, steady, stable, by His grace. Jesus Christ IS Almighty God manifest in the flesh, and He saves by His grace. Repent. dont take Gods Name in vain, omgblog. moron. Repent.
she’s very hot
Oui Oui !!!!!!!!!!!
I got that issue…photo-session is AMAZING….there are more cool pix of her…