Challenge accepted, Oscar! Check out the Moon Knight star addressing the fact that his fans like to refer to the actor as ‘daddy’ in an interview after the jump! And BONUS: Oscar’s response to the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill? “GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY!”
I will definitely call you Daddy.
I will never fucking recover from this.#OscarIsaac
— Marie Sackler Dameron (@MarieSackler) April 5, 2022
At long last, here is the video of #MoonKnight star Oscar Isaac singing “gay gay gay gay gay gay gayyyyy” — and saying that Disney needs to come out “forcefully” against anti-LGBTQ legislation.
— Adam B. Vary (@adambvary) March 24, 2022
Depending on your age, it is likely that if you had a gay teacher, they wouldve never mentioned a significant other for fear of losing their job. The bill refers to restrictions on teaching anything about LGBT folks through 3rd grade, but also mentions not teaching anything “inappropriate” throigh grades 12,but they dont offer guidance re:what is inappropriate. This is done purposely to chill any speech about LGBT folks in grades K-12. While you may not have been interested in your 2nd/3rd grade teachers significant other, what about students who are being raised by anyone within the LGBT spectrum. This law is responding to a problem that doesnt exist. 3rd graders are not being taught sexuality.
Can you please highlight where it says don’t say gay in the bill. I don’t remember worrying about my teachers significant other in 2nd and 3rd grade.
The bill forces teachers to “report” trans students and puts hard boundaries for teachers to teach students about sexual and gender identity amongst other things.
“Don’t say gay” it’s the coloquial term used to describe this disgusting bill.
Can you please highlight how this bill isn’t another hateful Christian’s solution looking for a problem? Like you, I don’t remember this being an issue in 2nd and 3rd grade. This bill makes such a big deal out of gender identity I don’t think teachers can even use gender pronouns for anyone anymore, even cis people.