OMG, WATCH: A mom accidentally ate a whole slice of marijuana bread
…and she lived to tell about it! Check out her experience above! What a stoner. Hopefully she doesn’t get the MUMchies.
…and she lived to tell about it! Check out her experience above! What a stoner. Hopefully she doesn’t get the MUMchies.
@topankyoka428 猪突猛進‼️猪突猛進‼️リベンジだぜ、このやろー!!##宮崎 ##パンパカパン ##鬼滅 ##鬼滅の刃 ##topan ##パン教室 ##アニメ ##伊之助 ##伊之助推し ##紅蓮華 ##ねこ##ねこねこ食パン ♬ Gurenge – LiSA Yum yum! Doesn’t it look delicious? Wait for the…
What genius has combined both the sensation of having a body to hold next to you at night AND the warm familiar feeling of BREAD!?…
Sending intention to Subway… EW!