!! kitties !!

OMG Janet Catson

Okay kids, I’m done for realz this time. Thanks to Frank for trusting me with his blog, and to all you loyal OMG readers for…

OMG, how cute: Upside-down kitty

You might this adorable Japanese kitty is dead except for his occasional lethargic, complainy meow when his mommy pokes him with her fabulous fingernail.

OMG, how cute: Glow Cats

Not only is the new fluorescent, glow-in-the-dark cat invented by Korean scientists adorable, it’s practical, too. You’ll never trip over him in the middle of…

OMG, how cute: Kitty wigs

If you have a glamourpuss at home, then you must buy her (or him) a kitty wig. The cats in these photos seem to enjoy…

OMG, how computer literate: Kittens

Maybe this is what happened to my laptop… Kitten attack! It’s still out of commission, but will hopefully be up tomorrow (Kinko’s is killing me).

Kittens vs. Toilet Paper

How many adorable kittens does it take to unroll an entire toilet paper roll? Answer is above. (via poeTV)