OMG, have you heard? Here are the 2021 Golden Globe nominations
Who was robbed? Who deserves the hype!? [socialite life] Olympics chief Yoshiro Mori resists calls to resign after saying women talk too much and annoy…
Who was robbed? Who deserves the hype!? [socialite life] Olympics chief Yoshiro Mori resists calls to resign after saying women talk too much and annoy…
German actor Hans Gurbig goes full-frontal in the newest TV NOW show titled ‘Even Closer’. Check out his wurst after the NSFW jump!
Justin Timberlake is back at acting and stars in Palmer, a film where he bangs some lucky lady against the wall while looking like a…
German actor Daniel Strässer lets it all hang out in ‘LA PALMA’ after the NSFW jump! Es ist sehr sexy. Check him out!
It’s been a while since we’ve seen True Blood‘s Alexander Skarsgard bare his Nordic behind — but the man ages like a fine wine! Check…
Take a trip back in time and check out a young Antonio Hortelano going full-frontal in the 1995 film El Seductor after the NSFW jump!
AH-OOOOOGAH! Check out German actor Florian David Fitz in ‘Die Lügen der Sieger’. Once you know where to look, he’ll be throwing you into Fitz!…