OMG, Benito Skinner presents: ‘Live footage of me at prom’
If you’re missing prom this year… it may be for the best? Check out comedian Benito Skinner in ‘Live footage of me at prom’ above!
If you’re missing prom this year… it may be for the best? Check out comedian Benito Skinner in ‘Live footage of me at prom’ above!
We’ve all been through and awkward stage – and if you haven’t, then you might just have peaked in highschool! Check out some of the…
We love it! Their fellow Benton Harbor, MI classmates probably don’t get the reference, but it doesn’t matter. Comedy and total glamour at its finest!
This story is supes cute, but is it worth money? Apaprently it was worth a $10,000 scholarship c/o Ellen! Check out the gay-straight prom date…