!! TV !!

OMG, he kissed a girl: Lance Bass

Speaking of Lance, he danced hideously to that hideous Katy Perry song on Dancing With The Stars last night. Then he kissed his dance partner….

OMG, fabulous: Italian Show Opening

Check out the opening to the Italian show “Al Paradise” from 1984. If you told me this was made yesterday I’D BELIEVE YOU. Via DBUBBLE//DANCE.

OMG, my new hero: Russell Brand

I love Russell Brand, host of last night’s MTV VMAs, because he did what nobody else would do; he tore The Jonas Brothers some new…

OMG, how trippy: Sesame Street Bees

With a couple of tweaks to the script this could be on Wonder Showzen instead of Sesame Street. The music is amazinnnnng. They should pair…