This could be is probably a total publicist created rumor/lie, but here at OMG blog the G is quickly starting to be for GAGA. So it would be irresponsible of us not to pass along whispers of her peripatetic doings. Michael Musto, New York’s most bicycle-riding rumor witch, is reporting that Our Lady of the G just might maybe be holding mass at Providence’s Club 57 in NYC sometime soon:
?Take this with a grain of menstrual blood, but the word on the street is that this Saturday, Lady Gaga might–repeat, MIGHT–go to Club 57, the weekly gay party at the multi-level West 57th Street club called Providence.
But I checked the girl’s schedule and it turns out she’s performing in Atlantic City that night, drowning out the casino ka-chinging with her own pricey warbles and glitzy sound effects.
Of course, she could always sweep back into Gotham right after the concert for another chance to compare eyeliner with the gays. But more likely it’s the week after–when she’s playing Radio City Music Hall–that she’d be dropping by the HK club. Or maybe both times. Or perhaps neither.
If you don’t want to pass up an oppo to see Gags in the real live flesh, you know where to go. (And blame Musto, not us, if it turns out this rumor ends up being about Lady Bracknell instead of Lady Gaga.)
(La Dolce Musto)
maybe it’s Providence AC?? there’s a Providence nightclub inside the Quarter @ the Trop so if it’s supposed to be that night could she be headed there?
I hope it’s not true and it’s actually happening the weekend after cause by then I’ll be back home in NYC.