!! OMG, China’s gold-medalists for springboarding are couple goals !!

What’s queerer than synchronized spring-boarding?

Chang Yani and Chen Yiwen lived up to the hype in the women’s synchronised 3m springboard final to deliver China a second gold at Paris 2024!

“We’ve been doing synchro together for 10 years now, and been through lots of highs and lots of lows together. But it’s just sport and we are here for each other. We will continue to be. We’re going to reset and go again, we don’t stop.”

Fans creeped their instas and their hopes came true when it was revealed that the pair also seem to be a couple! Imagine winning the Olympics with your partner? What a cool thing to do.

Find more cuteness from the dynamic duo after the jump.


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2 Comments on "OMG, China’s gold-medalists for springboarding are couple goals"

  1. Do some homework for once! Being gay in China is extremely difficult, often even dangerous.
    I can’t fathom that Chinese Olympians are out and public, while being allowed and funded by the government to the Olympics.
    Stop with the agenda!

  2. I adore this.

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