OMG, double the fur: ‘Guys With Beards With Cats’
Allow me to introduce you to your new obsession: Guys With Beards With Cats
Allow me to introduce you to your new obsession: Guys With Beards With Cats
Although its official airtime-debut will come during Sunday’s Super Bowl, H&M apparently couldn’t wait to give us a taste of everyone’s favorite thing about David…
Mario Lopez took off his clothes? Gee. Shocking. (via Joe.My.God.)
We need to talk about Guto Requena. Freunde von Freunden went into the innovative Brazilian architect’s apartment to find out how a genius decorates his…
Why Guys With Fries chose McDonalds fries specifically to photoshop into Guys With iPhone pictures, I don’t know. Maybe the site cut a deal with…
Having never personally stripped and showered in a room full of my fellow students (I avoided gym like the plague), I can’t verify the truthiness…
Jonny McGovern’s latest single, “Dickmatized,” says all there is to say, really: “It’s like you put me in a trance, you’ve got the power in…