!! OMG, Friday cringe: Katy Perry latches onto ‘brat summer’ !!

Katy Perry brat couch

After saying she’d like to “adopt Chappell Roan“, using Sabrina Carpenter‘s “Espresso” on TikTok, and now stanning Charli XCX and Brat Summer – we wonder when Katy will get to talking about her own music.

“You guys this is a brat couch. This is brat summer and your couches are brat, the trash cans are brat, you guys are really brat fans.”

We’re shocked the hosts were able to contain their eyerolls.

“I think she’s just in her prime right now. She’s got all her flowers, she works so hard. She’s a super mega big popstar,” she added.

Check out your weekly dose of Katy’s-condescending-cringe after the jump! She’s like that girl you get trapped talking to at a party.

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9 Comments on "OMG, Friday cringe: Katy Perry latches onto ‘brat summer’"

  1. Sounds like a middle age teacher or politician trying to use teenage slang to seem cool.

  2. Useless censorship | July 28, 2024 at 3:27 pm | Reply

    Kesha lied

  3. Kesha lied, judge showed she had nothing,
    Where are the photos?

    Why can’t she “suddenly” not remember after 10 years?

  4. Gurl I’m not a Katie fan but you’re projecting, they never even showed the hosts faces when she was talking. Just enjoy Charlie and move on there’s no reason to give Katie shit unless it’s for the Dr. Luke thing … if that’s the case you better fucking give Kim Petras the same smoke cause she’s just as guilty of working with him

    • 100%. Feels like you’re jumping on the Katie-bashing and piling on the hate. Not a fan either, but Jose’s right. Thank you for all your hard work, love this site, but dragging someone like this is not cute.

  5. I’ve been waiting sixteen years for people to figure out Katy Perry is annoying. Has my time finally come?

    • She hasn’t always been but I def noticed it around 2013 or so after all those generic & bright pop songs & videos.

      • Her breakout was “I Kissed a Girl.” With anyone else it could’ve been a queer anthem, but I always thought Katy seemed like the histrionic sort that just wanted to be provocative to get guys’ attention. Felt like cosplaying queerness, especially given her prior song “Ur So Gay” was hardly a positive portrait.

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